
The Mayor Needs to Be a Leader

“Hahn’s Big Ally? Incumbency” (news analysis, Jan. 23) points out that it’s a magnet for special-interest money that the mayor can use in his reelection campaign. However, such actions as the alleged misuse of the extravagant city Department of Water and Power public relations contract for Mayor James Hahn’s personal benefit and missed opportunities for the city are also part of his incumbency. As I look at cities surrounding L.A., including Burbank, Glendale and Culver City, I see dynamic growth and improvements not seen in L.A. under Hahn’s administration. His claim to fame seems to be the hiring of Police Chief William Bratton.

Fortunately, some other candidates for mayor have shown strong leadership in government and hopefully can use their experience to bring L.A. its share of the economic pie and all that goes with it. And I didn’t even mention the deplorable decline of L.A. streets in the last four years.

Harvey Barkan

Studio City
