
A Hard Look at the Hussein Photo

Re “Hussein Photo Angers U.S.,” May 21: When asked if the pictures of Saddam Hussein in his underwear might inflame the anti-occupation forces in Iraq, President Bush answered: “I don’t think a photo inspires murderers. I think they’re inspired by an ideology that is so barbaric and backwards that it’s hard for many in the Western world to comprehend how they think.”

With this one sentence he has insulted non-Westerners by calling them barbaric and backward!

If the pictures of Hussein hadn’t motivated the resistance in Iraq to fight harder, then certainly President Bush’s racist comments will inspire many to rid their country of the latest Crusade.


Ana Sanchez

Newport Beach


Why is it that Al Jazeera was among the first networks to broadcast the beheadings of innocent Westerners but won’t broadcast the photos of Saddam in his underwear because it’s too “humiliating”?

Dale Lowdermilk

Santa Barbara
