
Winners and Losers in the Filibuster Fight

Re “Senate Deal Reached on Filibusters,” May 24: Dumb, dumb, dumb! It’s no wonder that the Democrats are a minority and becoming less and less a factor in the life of America. The Democrats give the Republicans the three most radically conservative judges in exchange for the continuation of a filibuster right the Senate already had. In other words, “Please be nice to us minorities and we’ll do whatever you want, master.”

I can’t believe that 44 Democrats are so spineless that they have given up the rights of the minorities not just in the Senate (who cares!) but for the people of the United States. If any Democrat thinks that this is the end of it, he or she must be on something. The Republicans will do it again and again and again, just as it suits them.

John R. Shiban

Westlake Village


President Bush nominates from the far right -- anything less is unacceptable. If the Democrats choose to filibuster against a Supreme Court nominee who comes from that point, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist will declare that the nominee is mainstream and will go nuclear once again. The Republicans who participated in this sham of bipartisanism will fall into line and at last will be cloning Clarence Thomas or Antonin Scalia.


Leonard A. Zivitz



The Democrats’ compromise “win” over the Senate Republicans’ so-called nuclear option sort of reminds me of the guy who jumped off the Empire State Building. As he passed the 38th floor he was heard to say, “So far, so good!”

Christopher Knopf

Santa Monica


No matter your party, no matter your feelings on the filibuster, we should all be tipping our hats to the brave group of senators who managed to combine real spine with real wisdom. If everybody’s a little annoyed, a little disappointed and a little relieved, they must have achieved a genuine compromise. All this while under the kind of hellfire not seen since Omaha Beach.

Now, with all the extremist bullies snarling drooling threats of revenge, I suggest we all show a little spine and a little wisdom by sending each and every one of those senators a campaign check with a note of appreciation and admiration. It’s our turn now.


Pat Carraher



Re “A Center Forms to Outflank Left, Right,” news analysis, May 24: I find the language used by the news media regarding the Senate filibuster compromise to be overly simplistic because there is simply no “left” in American national politics. Though I believe we clearly have a right wing at the national level (indeed, one that seems to be in the driver’s seat), the assertion that there is a spectrum of representation here in the United States is ill informed by discussion of “left,” “right” and “center” or “moderate.”

One has to travel to Europe to see the full span, from political left to right. I didn’t realize this until I lived in Norway and observed seven (yes, seven) political parties work out what was in the nation’s best interest.

David Rolloff

