
UCI makes the wrong choice

Re “UC Irvine post is taken from liberal legal scholar,” Sept. 13

The firing of Erwin Chemerinsky as founding dean of the UC Irvine law school is appalling. The most disturbing aspect is that UCI Chancellor Michael Drake acted as if political objections are legitimate reasons to determine key university appointments.

One of the fundamental responsibilities of a university executive is to repel attempts to impose political influence on the institution, whether those attempts are mounted by regents, major donors or demonstrating students. Drake has failed in this responsibility. UC President Robert Dynes should fire Drake for his disgraceful failure of leadership.

Don Goldberg

Los Angeles


It is the height of academic insecurity that UCI did not keep its commitment to Chemerinsky, one of the country’s top legal scholars, regardless of his political leaning. This is a loss to the new law school, the stature of UCI and the prestige of academia in Orange County.


S. Dale Colome

Balboa Island


Declining an appointment to Chemerinsky has less to do with his inarguable scholarship than his willingness to mangle constitutional doctrine to advance partisan ideology.

Was it not Chemerinsky who in 2000 claimed the courts should order a new election in Palm Beach County because voters there were allegedly confused by the “butterfly ballot” to the point that it tipped the presidential vote in Florida to George W. Bush?

Wasn’t it Chemerinsky who advised atheist Michael Newdow in the Pledge of Allegiance case, which the Supreme Court threw out for lack of standing [because Newdow was not the custodial parent]?


Wasn’t it Chemerinsky [and a coalition of clergy, lawyers and professors] who sought to litigate in the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of Guantanamo detainees, arguing their detentions were contrary to due process, only to have the case dismissed for lack of standing [because the coalition hadn’t established a relationship with the detainees]? Law school deanships should be more than a lofty perch to propagate partisan political ideology.

Stanislaus Pulle

Dean, Southern California

Institute of Law

Santa Barbara


Having worked with Chemerinsky on rewriting the Los Angeles City Charter, I know that UCI has made a huge mistake in “unhiring” him as the person to start its new law school. Although we don’t share the same exact political philosophies, he is a man of unparalleled integrity, fairness and dedication to his efforts. Had it been my decision, Chemerinsky would have been my first and only choice.

Greg Nelson

Mission Viejo


As his former student, I can attest that Chemerinsky never forced his political views on anyone in the classroom and always presented all sides of the constitutional issues he taught in an evenhanded manner. I hope that Drake’s decision to fire Chemerinsky had nothing to do with anticipated future donations from Donald Bren or other GOP stalwarts. Chemerinsky’s clout and academic credibility would have been worth much more to the law school’s success in the long run. Best of luck in the quest to fill this now-sullied position with someone of his intellect and esteem.


Anthony Sbardellati

Los Angeles
