
McClintock’s living costs

Re “Critic of spending accepts tax-free per diem,” March 23

In view of the state’s financial position and the need to reduce funding for schools and medical care, State Sen. Tom McClintock’s (R-Thousand Oaks) use of taxpayer dollars to defray the cost of a second home, in which he does not live, is indicative of his priorities. It is fair to assume that these are first, himself; second, his backers; and last, the people of California. His actions do not bring credit to the Legislature and contribute to the perception of a culture of corruption.

W.A. Mueller

Sherman Oaks

I don’t see why people are criticizing McClintock for accepting per diem payments. Because some state legislators need to live near their work and also have a residence in their district, they need to bear the cost of having two residences, unlike the legislators who have districts in the vicinity of Sacramento. The residence that they spend the most time in should not be of any relevance at all.

If this is the best attack that can be mounted against McClintock, he must be doing most things right.


Paul D. Blumstein

Rancho Palos Verdes

How apropos that there is an article about a government official possibly abusing the system to the tune of thousands of dollars next to an article about an Orange County school threatened with closure. Government bureaucracy at all levels has become a living, breathing monster that sucks up everything within its reach to survive. Because the working middle class must use every minute to sustain food and shelter, there is no time to oversee the gluttonous bureaucracy. Where will it end? Isn’t this the way the French Revolution began?

Barbara Schiffler

