
Clinton comes under fire

Re “Clinton campaign says she ‘misspoke’ about Bosnia trip,” March 25

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she “misspoke” when she asserted last week that as first lady she landed under sniper fire in Bosnia and “ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”

That depends on what the meaning of “misspoke” is. If it’s making up a false story then retracting it because news footage proves it false, then she “misspoke.”

Jeff Zimmer

Sherman Oaks


There was heavy sniper fire on my otherwise quiet street as I scurried to and from my mailbox this morning, but the real danger was the Mafia wives with sabers. As I safely brought my bills into the house, I realized what a courageous man I am.


Barack Obama, you’re looking better and better.

Kurt Sipolski

Palm Desert
