
Waiting to hear from Palin

Re “Palin to be MIA on Sunday shows,” Sept. 7

Rick Davis, an aide to John McCain, states that he and other Republican strategists would determine if or when it would serve their purpose to allow vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin to go on any televised news programs.

He goes on to say that “if we think going on TV news shows are in our best interests, we’ll do it. If we don’t, we won’t.”

Both parties have made their selections for their candidates. Supposedly, these four individuals are the brightest and best. If these four people are the best qualified to lead our nation, they should all be eager to confront the issues, answer tough questions and show their stuff. We the people are being cheated and treated with disrespect. It’s stunning.


Doug Hayes

Sierra Madre


Palin is possibly months away from being vice president -- a heartbeat away from the presidency -- and yet she is not ready for an unscripted news conference or a Sunday talk show. Doesn’t that tell us all we need to know about her preparedness for office?

Neil Reichline



Re “New frontier in campaign spouses,” Sept. 7

How could The Times’ article on Todd Palin not mention his longtime membership in the Alaskan Independence Party, a group that wants Alaska to vote on secession from the United States?

It is surprising that such an extensive, in-depth update on the “first dude” would omit his political history.


Ira M. Landis

Ocean Hills


Re “The Palin charm is a tough sell here,” Sept. 7

After all the hoopla about media bias, I’m amazed your paper published this article at all.

The three voters your reporters found in Uniontown, Pa., are justifiably concerned with the current state of the economy. But how they reach the conclusion that Barack Obama will turn things around is beyond belief.

Trish Heckman, the 49-year-old restaurant cook, feels that “Obama understands the economy. He knows how we live.” Really? If Heckman has a misguided hope that Obama would make healthcare more affordable, did she possibly consider that it could lower her wages -- or she could perhaps lose her job completely -- because her employer would not be able to afford the steeper business taxes?


Waitress Judy Artice took a much more sophisticated approach. She decided that she would vote for the first candidate to mention the high price of gasoline. She heard it first from Obama, and now he has her vote.

It’s amazing your reporters would have us believe that every woman they met in Uniontown was for Obama and against McCain and Palin. Perhaps the Republican ticket ought to just pack it in now and consider the results of Sunday’s USA Today/Gallup poll results a complete fabrication. It shows McCain leading by three points.

Mel R. Friedman

Santa Monica
