
Two self-published successes sign with major publishers

Like E.L. James before her, Meredith Wild has successfully sold her sexy romance novels on her own; the Hacker Series, about a savvy young businesswoman and the billionaire she falls for, has already made bestseller lists. And like James, Wild has left self-publishing behind to sign with a major publisher.

Forever, the romance imprint of Grand Central, will republish Wild’s “Hardwired,” “Hardpressed,” “Hardline” and “Hard Limit” as e-books April 7, followed by trade paperback editions May 12. Until now, the books, which have sold 1.2 million copies digitally, have only been available in print via print-on-demand.

The upcoming fifth book in the series, “Hard Love,” will be published by Forever simultaneously as an e-book and in paperback Sept. 15.


“The past two years have been an incredible whirlwind experience for me, and I’m thrilled that this partnership will allow me to devote more of my time to writing,” Wild said in a release.

Meanwhile, self-published romance star Jasinda Wilder, whose sales of 28 e-books and novellas have topped 2 million, has signed with Berkley Books. Wilder will get a reported seven-figure sum for her new trilogy, which will launch with “Madame X” in November.

“I am still a strong advocate for — and hope to continue to be a strong example of — self-publishing. But I was never AGAINST traditional publishing,” she told USA Today. “This was kind of a perfect storm for me, though. It feels like the right time for me, in terms of my career momentum and in terms of what I see in the market, both traditional and indie.”


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