
Feedback: Farewells to the Monkees’ Michael Nesmith and MSNBC anchor Brian Williams

Michael Nesmith, second from right. From left, Davy Jones, Mickey Dolenz and Peter Tork.
(Michael Ochs Archives)

Much thanks for your Michael Nesmith appreciation [“A Monkee and More” by Robert Lloyd, Dec. 13], an abundance of heart, soul and talent that represents the high standard of journalism a character like Michael Nesmith, who I believe would have appreciated your tribute, deserves.

Phil Woolever
Dusseldorf, Germany

Williams’ final ‘Hour’

Regarding Stephen Battaglio’s “NBC News Stalwart Will Leave” [Nov. 11]: After watching the final “The 11th Hour” show with Brian Williams, I was bemused and saddened. Bemused recalling his churlish, imp-like smile and great sense of humor and wealth of historical knowledge, while, like a maestro, he conducted his panels of journalist, politicos and physician guests. Saddened at the loss.

Williams left his network news anchor post several years ago following a delusion of grandeur moment. He went into a period of purgatory, but unlike others who would have cried “witch hunt” and “fake news” (sore losers), he accepted his penance and initially was allowed back on air in a limited role, likely to see if the public would reaccept him. How could they not?


The plaudits of his guests over the past weeks told the story of the respect for this man.

Bruce N. Miller
Playa del Rey

Map book is back in hand

My friends laughed when I told them that I recently purchased a Thomas Guide and magnifying glass due to frustrations with going in circles and getting lost using Google Maps. I can’t wait to show them James Bartlett’s article [“Thomas Guide Returns, Driven to Succeed,” Dec. 8].

I only wish I knew they were coming out with a 2022 edition before I bought mine. Long live paper maps.

Evelyn Goodman
Culver City


I’m delighted to see this piece. Thomas Guides, of which I still have six from 2010, allowed me to travel throughout the state when I was a peddler. They never needed to be recharged and required only sufficient light to function.


Good for Thomas Guides.

Carleton Cronin
West Hollywood

‘Lane’s’ end revisited

Ironically, “9 Chickweed Lane” is the only comic in the L.A. Times that has featured recurring Asian characters. If this strip were discontinued because of one slur, might you consider canceling every comic strip that has never featured an Asian character? Which offense is more egregious: one slur or complete invisibility?

How about LGBTQ readers? “9 Chickweed Lane” — with its focus on dancers, composers, artists and writers — is the only strip on these pages (except for some “Doonesbury” reruns) to include recurring LGBTQ characters. In one fell swoop, this representation now disappears from your pages.

I suspect editors have long sought an opportunity to cancel the unique “Chickweed” because it dared to suggest there is humor and graphic visual innovation to be found in the truths that sometimes adults kiss, engage in sex and have different sexual orientations.


More traditional readers found these elements offensive and were only flummoxed by the strip’s visual integrity and sophistication. Please bring this comic back.

Charles Derry
Palm Springs


I am so happy to see this comic strip removed from The Times. It was a pathetic endeavor to introduce soft porn into the entertainment section of your publication.

Marta Kououyan
Sierra Madre


I for one am very glad to see “Chickweed Lane” go. For years it has been taking up valuable space on your comics page. Surely there are worthy comic strips out there just waiting to fill that spot.


Christa Jackson
Studio City
