Elaine Woo
Elaine Woo is a Los Angeles native who has written for her hometown paper since 1983. She covered public education and filled a variety of editing assignments before joining “the dead beat” – news obituaries – where she has produced artful pieces on celebrated local, national and international figures, including Norman Mailer, Julia Child and Rosa Parks. She left The Times in 2015.
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Jules Feiffer, the cartoonist and playwright whose syndicated comic strip ran for four decades, has died. The Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winner was 95.
Ruth Westheimer, who as Dr. Ruth enlightened and entertained audiences by tackling topics from multiple orgasms to menage a trois, has died at age 96.
O.J. Simpson, cuyo ascenso y caída de héroe del fútbol americano a asesino acusado y preso alimentaron un drama público rencoroso que obsesionó a la nación y generó debates sobre raza, riqueza, justicia y retribución, ha fallecido.
O.J. Simpson, whose rise and fall from American football hero to murder suspect to prison inmate fueled a public drama that obsessed the nation, has died.
Daniel Ellsberg, one of America’s most famous whistleblowers, leaked copies of the Pentagon Papers, which detailed the shameful history of the Vietnam War.
A lost soul in search of God, Linda Kasabian became the prosecution’s star witness against the Manson family.
Didion bridged the world of Hollywood, journalism and literature in a career that arced most brilliantly in the realms of social criticism and memoir.
Ferlinghetti was the co-founder of the legendary City Lights bookstore and a champion of Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac.
Joseph E. Lowery, civil rights leader who co-founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Martin Luther King Jr., has died. He was 98.
Ram Dass died Sunday at his home in Maui, according to a post on his Instagram account.