
Dust-Up: The ‘surge’ and 9/11

Talk-show host Hugh Hewitt debates columnist Doug Bandow about the surge, Gen. Petraeus’ report to Congress, and the national security climate six years after Sept. 11.

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    Who among American politicians is serious and unserious about the global war on terrorism? How about among commentators? How much is the war on terrorism really a stick used to hit one’s own domestic opponents?

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    If the war on terrorism could be restarted from scratch, how would you deploy the military and focus U.S. efforts?

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    What does Osama bin Laden’s latest messages say about him, and about us? All this week, Hugh Hewitt and Doug Bandow debate the war on terrorism.

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    For the first year since 2001, Sept. 11 is again falling on a Tuesday. Are we safer than we were six years ago? Are we on the right track to avoid or deal with the next big terror attack? All this week, Hugh Hewitt and Doug Bandow debate the war on terrorism.

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    Gen. David Petraeus is reporting to Congress today on the situation in Iraq. Is the surge working and is he being honest?
