
Matthew Mousavi

OC Visionaries 2022

Managing Partner
SRS Real Estate Partners National Net Lease Group

Under the direction of Matthew Mousavi and co-founder Patrick Luther, SRS Real Estate Partners’ National Net Lease Group (NNLG) closed 2021 with 830 transactions in nearly 40 states, an approximately 60 percent increase over its year-end 2020 deal volume, which was up 26 percent from their volume in 2019. This year marks the fifth consecutive year of growth in sales since the group’s founding in 2016. These transactions are run through the firm’s NNLG and Investment Properties Group (IPG). As managing principal, Mousavi sets the tone and vision for NNLG’s and IPG’s short- and long-term growth. He is responsible for creating, planning, implementing and integrating the strategic direction of NNLG and IPG within SRS’s platform, hiring and managing all brokers and staff. His track record is in excess of $3 billion in transaction volume, including on behalf of the largest property owners domestically and abroad.
