
Letters: In defense of lawns

Re “Go native,” Letters, Jan. 26

The cries for the obliteration of lawns in L.A. continue. The anti-lawn activists look at lawns while we use lawns.

A green lawn can be walked upon and sat upon, and children and pets can play on it. It is an easy-to-maintain, utilitarian surface that is aesthetically restful.

Native gardens, touted as water-friendly replacements, require the normal garden tasks of purchasing and installing plants, grooming, weeding and, yes, watering. A look around my hometown reveals native gardens that have been abandoned by owners, probably due to maintenance issues. They quickly become unsightly and weedy.


I have reduced my own irrigation by more than half, and my green lawn thrives. I urge the native-gardens-for-all lobby to recognize the difference between a lawn and a garden.

Sandy Davidson

Long Beach


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