
Opinion: Can Americans forget Donald Trump’s candidacy ever happened?

Donald Trump addresses a rally in Charlotte, N.C., on Friday.
(Logan Cyrus / AFP/Getty Images)

To the editor: I knew this year’s election was bad, but I didn’t realize how bad it had gotten until I read your article. (“Donald Trump has turned to scorched-earth campaigning. It could affect a lot more than the election,” Oct. 15)

While I am greatly annoyed that the better choice of candidate for president of the United States is out-raising her opponent using a Supreme Court decision about campaign finance that I find abhorrent, I am rather depressed that I am willfully hoping that the American public’s memory is sufficiently short enough that this campaign — and the angry, bitter, hyperbolic and conspiratorial rhetoric being slung about — is forgotten and does not carry over to the next election.

I am a history major and a firm believer of the maxim that “those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Yet here I am, hoping we forget so we can move on to something else.


Andrew Green, San Juan Capistrano


To the editor: Why do I fear that by the inauguration in January, our political tectonic plates could collide?

Because 24 hours a day, media outlets feature a furious egomaniac spewing fire and brimstone. The uncompromising, ineffective left and right plates have driven a massive alternative-right angry mob out in the open, fueling Donald Trump’s insatiable appetite for power and attention.

It will take extreme solidarity among left, right, religious and media leaders to prevent Trump’s vitriol from inciting revolution and disregard for our Constitution.


But then, that media narrative is far more compelling than “boring” images of an experienced candidate with sound policies and plans striving to advance an economically, ecologically and industrially recovering nation.

Susan Braig, Altadena


To the editor: The Republican nominee for president is making news with his claim that the election is being “rigged” against him. At the same time there have been lawsuits against officials in Republican states who are violating the voting rights of their citizens by making it more difficult to cast ballots.

So who is doing the rigging?

Bernard Otis, West Hills


To the editor: In response to Trump’s claim that there is a massive conspiracy to destroy him: No, Donald, you’ve done that all by yourself.


Edward A. Ruttenberg, Rancho Palos Verdes

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