
Opinion: Members of Congress were told about the bonus claw-back for veterans. They deserve to be voted out.

To the editor: For two years the do-nothing Republican Congress failed to stop the Pentagon from telling California National Guard members to pay back the enlistment bonuses they received last decade. But with the election less than two weeks away, they’re falling all over themselves to correct this monumental injustice. (“Congress knew for at least two years about Pentagon efforts to take back bonuses from veterans,” Oct. 24)

We’ve watched members of Congress abrogating their responsibilities just to make President Obama look bad. They played chicken with the budget, shut down the government and failed to vote on a Supreme Court nominee.

There’s a novel solution at hand: Vote them out of office and hand President Hillary Clinton a Democratic Congress. We’ll all be amazed at how well the government works without Republicans.


Steve Weller, Encinitas


To the editor: This article portrays the Democrats in Congress, namely House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), as heroes and the Republican leadership as foot-dragging dullards who have done nothing to “pass legislation to halt the Pentagon debt recovery.”

This misses a small point: The Pentagon is a part of the Obama administration. It was his administration that tried to claw back money from veterans, and it was his administration that had the power to stop this.

James Bianchi, Morro Bay


To the editor: I’m a Vietnam-era veteran. I have always been proud of my service in both the Navy and in the Army. But now I am ashamed of my elected officials and am reluctant to admit that I once was a service member.


My government is responsible to the men and women who protect our country and our rights. My government has failed miserably, and it continues to do so.

We the people elect our members of Congress. We the people have the right and responsibility to remove them when they fail to represent us — and they have failed.

Therefore, the next time they’re up for election, they’re out.

Steve Feldman, Van Nuys

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