
Mitch McConnell’s 2012 theme: Obama ‘made it worse’ [Video]

The Republican leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, said Wednesday that if the 2012 presidential election were being held today, the GOP theme should be: “He made it worse.” (see video below)

The bumper-sticker slogan might not quite be morning-in-America optimism, but it captures the Republican position that President Obama has been unable to right the struggling economy, a position the White House routinely counters by saying the outlook would be worse had the president not taken took the steps he did to shore it up.

Photos: The 2012 GOP presidential hopefuls


McConnell said he had no worries about the emerging field of potential GOP presidential candidates to challenge Obama saying that eventually a front-runner would “get on a roll.”

“They’re going to look a lot better than they do today,” McConnell said at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.
