
Chatting about Paul Ryan’s exuberant crowds, hecklers and cowlick

Los Angeles Times political writers Maeve Reston and Robin Abcarian join Politics Now host Jim Rainey in a chat about Paul Ryan’s first days on the campaign trail.

Mitt Romney’s pick for the Republican vice presidential nomination has been a sensation with conservative Republicans, though he also drew some harsh attacks.

The Politics Now team explains how the Ryan choice makes this more a “base” than a “swing” election, argues about whether early polling on Ryan as veep designate means anything and discusses the congressman’s controversial Medicare proposal.


Join our chat and you’ll also hear what TV character of the past had hair most like Ryan’s and what unwelcome designation he received from the editors of his high school yearbook — prompting memories of another onetime television character.

Politics Now will convene regularly to hang out and chat about the pertinent political matters of the day.

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PHOTOS: Paul Ryan’s past

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