
Line it up for upper-body strength

This move helps develop strong muscles in the core and upper body. For maximum benefit, make sure that your knees, hips and shoulders are in a straight line before you try to lift yourself.

Bend your knees and lie on your left side. Place your left elbow directly below your left shoulder, palm flat on the floor. Stack your knees and ankles on a round 36-inch foam roller, letting your outer left hip rest on the floor. Reach your right arm out to the side. Check that your hips are forward, in line with your knees.

On an inhale, press down against your left outer thigh and your left hand/forearm as you raise your hips off the floor. Contract your abdominals and keep your body in a straight line as you straighten your left leg. Balance in this position for six to 10 seconds. Focus on keeping your left shoulder pressed down away from your left ear. Slowly lower your hips, then repeat two more times on this side. Switch sides and repeat with your right forearm and hand on the floor.


[email protected]

Voight is the creator of a line of fitness DVDs, including “Sleek Essentials.”
