
Surf and Sun


It’s a perfect day to barbecue or make some ice cream at home as the

high tops off in the low-80s. Much like Sunday, there will be a few

clouds here and there most of the day, but they’re laboring away today to

remind us that fall and rain are only about a month or so away.

Meanwhile, it will be a great night to spend in a sleeping bag under

the stars and street lights as the low hovers around a fall high of 67


Information:o7 https://www.nws.noaa.govf7 .


Some patchy fog will dot the harbor early, but will clear off nearing

afternoon. The southwesterly winds will be light at about 10 knots, which

will create minimal waves of about a foot or less and mixed south and

west swell of 2 feet. Expect the same later, with the fog returning.

Northwest winds will start out at about 10 to 15 knots out farther,

but will increase to 15 to 20 knots in the afternoon, generating winds of

about 2 to 3 feet and a northwest swell of 4 feet. Later, the winds will

settle down a bit to 15 knots, with waves of about 2 feet. Patchy fog

will roll in at night.


Don’t be too sad, but it doesn’t look too good with knee- to

waist-highs the norm today. Every once in a while, though, there might be

a 4-footer. Expect much of the same throughout the week. Where’s a good

hurricane down south when you need one.

Information:o7 https://www.surfrider.orgf7 .


Time Height

4:29 a.m. 0.19 feet low

10:43 a.m. 4.60 feet high

4:14 p.m. 1.62 feet low

10:18 p.m. 5.51 feet high


About 70. Hip hip hooray.
