
Mailbag - Sept. 20, 2001

Eliminate the cottages at Crystal Cove

Those beach shacks have kept the public from using the beach at

Crystal Cove for many years. It is time to bring in the bulldozers and

get rid of them. I certainly don’t want my tax dollars going for

something like that. Take that money and make a nice public beach for

everyone. Keep it for daytime use.


Costa Mesa

Home Ranch project is unnecessary in city

With respect to the way I think Ikea fits into the scheme of things

for the future of Costa Mesa, I definitely cannot support the Segerstroms

in this area. I’m really concerned more so about their attempt to bribe

the city officials with some money for the schools.

Where were they when the schools really needed the money? And since

then, of course, the city paid $4 million for that sports complex that

the schools have. They have the school bond. And now they’re not in a

position where they need a lot of money. They’ve got the lottery also in

there. The traffic that would be visited upon the citizens of this city

and the smog that’ll go with it and the terrible impact that’ll have on

the children and the older people -- it isn’t worth it. We don’t need it.


Costa Mesa

Councilwoman did neighbors right in speaking

In response to your “Inside Scoop” on Aug. 20, I want to say that I

appreciate my neighbor, Councilwoman Karen Robinson, speaking as a fellow

Canary Drive resident on the proposed improvements to the end of our

street as a secondary entrance to Fairview Park. She explained to us

earlier that she was legally precluded from voting on the project because

of its proximity to her home, but she certainly has a right to share her

views as a resident at any public meeting.


Costa Mesa
