
The Huntington Beach City School Board...

The Huntington Beach City School Board gave the administration the go

ahead this week to begin development of a resolution to call for an

election to raise funds for the construction and improvement of school


During the past two years, about $56.5 million in school and classroom

improvement projects were identified through a series of staff and

community meetings conducted at each school.

As might be expected in facilities that are more than 30 years old,

needs include such projects as repair and replacement of heating and air

conditioning systems, water and sewer upgrades, roof replacement and

electrical upgrades to accommodate modern technology.

In June, Measure S was placed on the ballot in the Huntington Beach

City School District. Following a comprehensive campaign, 62.4% of all

votes cast were in favor of the measure, falling short of the required

two-thirds majority.

On Aug. 21, the board received a report from Jon Isom of Caldwell

Flores Winters, Inc. summarizing an analysis of the bond election


Isom concluded his report by recommending that the board follow up

with another bond measure, based on the following:

* The district’s needs have not gone away.

* The district is still eligible to receive about $17 million in aid

in the form of matching funds.

* The district is eligible for a Proposition 39 election in March

2002. This election requires a 55% majority approval.

In a discussion that followed his report, district management teams,

representatives from employee associations, campaign coordinators and

other community members voiced strong support in favor of placing a bond

measure on future ballots.
