
School spirit turned national

Mike Sciacca

Students at Edison High School, like most of the world, sat in stunned

disbelief on that historic morning of Sept. 11, as they watched reports

of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Like many others, the associated student body wondered how it could

help the victims of these disasters.

The students decided to organize a couple of fund-raising events.

Their first event was held last Wednesday. The group set up two,

five-gallon water bottles on tables at the main entrance to the school.

Within two days, students dropped in enough collective pocket change to

total $1,000.

On Friday -- and after receiving clearance from school administration

and teachers -- the associated student body presented a “money in a

minute,” fund-raising drive.

In essence, a large envelope was distributed to each first period

classroom, and students and teachers alike had one minute to fill the

envelope with as much money as they could collect.

In that one minute time frame, across the landscape of the school,

Echeverria said that Edison High came up with $2,200 --giving them a

grand total of $3,200 raised during the days following the attack.

Edison students presented the Red Cross office in Santa Ana with their

donation on Saturday.

But the school community is not finished. Now, the administration is

holding a drive for socks and blankets. Signs are posted on campus,

asking students to bring whatever they can donate.
