

-- Don Leach

This national tragedy was different. The Sept. 11 terrorist attack was

a cheap shot on America that murdered thousands. It was an attack on the

flag and what it represents. Even though it happened so far away, locally

the images crept into people’s consciousness in the moments and days to


When tragedy strikes, candlelight vigils, flag waving, prayer services

and donation drives are the usual news coverage that follow. I already

had the expected pictures.

This day was clear and sunny. You would never know something was wrong

in the country. I decided to head to the beach for a sunset picture.

People walked dogs on the beach, the tide was out, there seemed to be

more fishing action on the pier and the crowds were down.

So I walked and walked and sat down on a bench next to the sand,

waiting to see what photo ops were around. Almost as soon as I had

forgotten about the tragedy for a minute, it slapped me in the face when

I saw Lisa Rogers and Amanda Bailey hand painting the American flag

outside their living room window.

Statements had been made by people in support of the rescue workers by

lowering flags all over. But this was different. This one was being put

up, instead of being brought down. My own spirit was raised by watching

how diligent and careful these two young women were in painting the flag.

They cared. So did the people who rolled by on the bike path with cheers

of “Yeah” and “You go.”

The window faced the water. I studied the scene and learned if I got

low enough, I could get the sun reflecting off the window giving it a

sunny glow from behind. Giving it a bit of life. A little glory of its

own. Golden glory. Old Glory.
