

“You can’t tell me we couldn’t afford a nice two-bedroom apartment for

what we pay here. But our credit is so bad, nobody will rent to us.”

-- Michelle Slack, on living with her boyfriend, Steve Wright, and

their three kids in a $250 a week room at the Costa Mesa Motor Inn. Slack

and Wright are struggling to create healthy lives with the help of a

group at Mariners Church.

“I feel it’s my duty to document everything in an event I’m hired to

cover. And if it’s a cow, so be it.”

-- Yana Bridle, a Newport Beach photographer, on taking a photo of a

cow giving birth during a wedding in Italy

“We see coyotes all the time. Just over the last two weeks, we’ve lost

our emu, three chickens and two roosters.”

-- Barbara Demmocks, a Santa Ana Heights resident, on the local coyote


“These signs are ugly. We have a beautiful city here. And I, like many

of our citizens, would like to keep it that way.”

-- Bob Kost, 77, a volunteer for the Newport Beach Police Department,

on why he takes down every illegally posted flier he sees

“Of course it is a loss. But it’s a happy one. The last two weeks, she

has been really tired. I think she was ready. She was ready to go.”

-- Suzy Olympius of Costa Mesa, on her daughter Brianna, who died

Sept. 14 from complications from a brain tumor. Brianna attended fourth

grade at Newport Heights Elementary School last year.

“It’s unrealistic to think that El Toro might become a military base


-- Rep. Dana Rohrabacher [R-Huntington Beach], on the speculation that

El Toro might convert back to a military air station in light of the

Sept. 11 terrorist assault on the United States.

“You don’t just pick up a lease. You pay for it, and there’s a

question whether that’s economically feasible here.”

-- Homer Bludau, Newport Beach’s city manager, on the possibility that

the city may place a bond measure on the ballot in order to buy the lease

on the Newport Dunes site to keep a hotel from being built there.
