
Moving to the next chapter

Mike Sciacca

Gary Thompson doesn’t like being in the spotlight, but the accolades

have been thrust upon him despite his misgivings.

Thompson, 61, retired from the teaching ranks last week with Friday as

his final day at Spring View Middle School.

For 30 years Thompson taught literature, language arts and social

studies at middle schools. He taught at Park View, Vista View and for the

past 16 years, at Spring View.

Some of his former students say that his teaching abilities, wit,

charm, knowledge and caring attitude, have helped shape their lives.

“Two of my children, both college graduates, remember Mr. Thompson as

being one of their favorite teachers,” said Sue Orfila. “He inspired them

to appreciate literature as it relates to everyday life.”

Kevin Campbell first met Thompson nearly 30 years ago -- in 1972 --

when he was his student at Park View.

Campbell and Thompson remain friends to this day.

“One of my most memorable times in school was learning about Greek

mythology in the seventh grade,” Campbell said. “That’s stuff you learn

in college, but Chuck has such a phenomenal understanding of Latin and

Greek. He presented it in a way that really involved us. That is the

first time I remember really studying a subject in depth.”

Thompson, a member of Mensa, an organization for people with high

intelligence, says his future plans may include returning to school to

earn his doctorate.

“I have that in mind but right now I’m embracing [retirement] with

gusto,” he said. “Among my many plans I eventually want to return to

school and get involved with San Diego Mensa.”

Thompson said it felt odd not to report to school on Monday.

“More than anything else, it’s the students who made my job a joy,” he

said. “The feedback you get from them in every possible way was, for me,

a learning experience in itself.”

Lois Hoshijo worked along side Thompson at Spring View.

“During his teaching career, Chuck Thompson enriched the lives of many

students as well as colleagues,” she said. “Education will not be the

same with the retirement of Chuck.”
