
Sounding Board -- Katrina Anne Foley

I write in response to Thursday’s article (“Home Ranch moves on to

City Council”). Former Costa Mesa Mayor Sandra Genis, a staunch opponent

of the project, is quoted as saying, “I almost tell myself it’s not

important to go to the Planning Commission meetings because it’s really

the council who makes the final decisions.”

I think Genis’ statement is a complete slap in the face to all of the

hard work and effort of the Planning Commission, staff, consultants and

members of the community who participated in this stage of the process.

I think Genis’ comment sends the wrong message to the community and it

is irresponsible of her as the former mayor of the city.

I think that her comment lacks acknowledgment of the role the Planning

Commission played in narrowing the issues, responding to community

concerns and filtering the project for the council. Genis’ comment also

invalidates all of the hard work of the residents (opponents and

supporters) who spent many hours preparing and lobbying the commission

for changes to the project, which were thoughtfully considered and most

of which provided opportunities for important revisions to the original

proposed project.

Before deciding for themselves whether the Planning Commission’s role

in the process lacked importance, I urge the council to seriously review

the more than 20 hours of video-recorded public testimony prior to the

public hearing on Oct. 15.

* KATRINA ANNE FOLEY chairs the Planning Commission.
