
Saint Michael & All Angels

Church name: St. Michael & All Angels.

Address: 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar.

Telephone: (949) 644-0463.

E-mail: [email protected]

Parish Web site:

Newsletter Web site:

Denomination: Episcopal

Year church established: 1959

Worship times: On Sunday, Holy Eucharist is celebrated at 8 and 10

a.m. The 10 a.m. worship is a choral Eucharist. At 9 a.m., Associate

Pastor Stephen Felder leads adult Bible study. Children meet for

Sunday school at 10 a.m. before joining their families in church to

receive Holy Communion. Morning prayer is said each Tuesday at 7

a.m., followed by a peace Mass and then a public prayer service for

healing at noon. Evening prayer and remembrance is said each Friday

at 5:30 p.m.

Senior pastor: The Very Rev. Canon Peter D. Haynes.

Staff: Stephen Felder, associate for youth and adult education;

Tim Getz, minister of music; Teri Corbet, minister of religious

education; Kelley Samuels, assistant for youth ministry; Susan

Beechner and Donnie Lewis, ministers of administration; Burton

Karson, organist-choirmaster emeritus; Cindy Evans Voorhees, intern

student pastor.

Size of congregation: Approximately 200 people attend Sunday


Makeup of congregation: Members are of all age groups and come

primarily from the Corona del Mar, Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and

Irvine areas.

Child care: Provided for all services and most other activities.

Type of worship: The worship is eucharistic. Traditional and

contemporary Episcopal books of Common Prayer are used in the

worship, reflecting the rich liturgical heritage of the Anglican

Communion. There is music at the 8 a.m. Sunday worship several times

a year. A full choir with organ or piano accompaniment or both

provides hymns and anthems for the 10 a.m. choral Eucharist.

Type of homily: Homilies are teaching commentaries on contemporary

challenges and are drawn on resources from Scripture, tradition,

reason, experience and current events.

Upcoming homily: On Sunday, Jan. 12, the First Sunday after the

Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ, Haynes will focus

his homily on baptism: the baptism of Jesus and the baptism of

believers into the church, as well as the baptismal covenant

contained in the Book of Common Prayer. Haynes will also talk about

baptismal fonts -- the font the church now has and that which is

under consideration for a new font as part of an upcoming renovation

and remodeling of the church’s sanctuary.

“The baptism of Jesus and our own subsequent baptism by water and

the Spirit is the initial, seminal act in our consecration to God,”

Haynes said. “In baptism, we are intentionally dedicated to God by

the community and we dedicate ourselves to God through the Body of

Christ as our fundamental life orientation.” He will draw on personal

illustrations and humor to convey his message.

Welcome: If visitors leave their names and addresses when they

visit, a letter is sent to them the following day, along with the

current church newsletter, For the Love of Mike. If they leave their

telephone number, they will also receive a phone call. A four-week

series called “Basic Christianity” is offered quarterly.

Outreach programs: The congregation supports numerous ministries,

among them Loaves and Fishes, a food ministry that is based on the

scripture from Luke 14:14, and Hope-in-Hollywood, a ministry of young

persons that is based on the scripture from Matthew 25:40.

Dress: Haynes said dress tends to be “come-as-you-are, California

eclectic.” He offers this guideline: “How would you dress to share a

meal with Jesus?”

Church design: The congregation has completed the first phase of a

project called “Building Our Faith,” which enlarged and modernized

the parish center and its facilities. The parish is now looking

forward to a second phase of the project to expand and renovate its


Mission statement: Our mission is to seek and share Jesus Christ

as spiritual food for life’s journey.

Upcoming special events: Two weekend events in February will offer

opportunities for spiritual renewal.

The church will host “Walking A Sacred Path,” a workshop lead by

the Rev. Lauren Artress, Feb. 7 through 9. Artress, the founder of

the Labyrinth Project, will lead workshop attendees in lectures,

discussions and a labyrinth walk. All materials and lunch on Saturday

are included in the workshop. Space is limited. A donation of $75 is

suggested to help cover the costs of the workshop.

* MICHELE MARR is a freelance writer. She can be reached at

[email protected].
