
This was almost the picture that...

This was almost the picture that wasn’t. As the two tall ships

were about to do a mock battle, my battery went dead in my primary

camera. No big deal I thought as I switched to my other one. But that

one too told me no power. No worries I thought as I switched to

another battery. Hmmm ... that one was dead too. I was getting a bit

worried since the sun was setting and beautiful pictures were

happening all around. I had one battery left in the bag. That one

too, was on its last legs. I managed seven frames and hoped for the

best. Luckily I had a small video camera in the bag so I videoed the

whole thing just in case. Turns out I didn’t need it. The best shot

came when I needed it. Lesson: ALWAYS make sure your batteries are

charged and ready BEFORE you go out to sea for an assignment.

-- Don Leach
