
These boots won’t be filled easily

Costa Mesa has big boots to fill in bringing a new sheriff to

town. Whether hired from within or outside the department, the city

will miss Dave Snowden.

For 16 years, the cowboy at heart has been the Police Department’s

face, a face that will quickly be missed when it’s last seen this


Not only have officers of every rank in the building been huge

fans of him, but -- just as importantly -- so has the community.

The heart and soul of the department has shed tears alongside

community members during such horrible tragedies as the Denise Huber

murder and the preschool crash that killed two toddlers.

And, when needed, he has been tough -- just like those who once

carried the guns that now hang in his office. Shortly after beginning

his job in Costa Mesa, a police helicopter crashed, taking with it

two officers. Even though he was still new to town and the

department, he stuck by those who needed his support.

Most recently during Snowden’s tenure, the city has been ranked

among the top 30 safest cities with populations greater than 100,000.

Though every city in Orange County in the category made the list,

Costa Mesa, like any other city, could go the other way, but it


The chief has concentrated on decreasing the amount of car

burglaries and increasing the amount of arrests for driving under the

influence of alcohol. Both efforts seem to be working, and Snowden

deserves much of the credit.

In September, Snowden received the 2002 Spurgeon Award for taking

a leadership role in the explorer program founded in Orange County by

Bill Spurgeon. The program helps teenagers between ages 14 and 20 to

explore their interests in various fields, including law enforcement.

There must be very few areas in which Snowden cannot succeed.

As an actor, he played an extra in feature films “Tombstone” and

“Wyatt Earp,” playing, of course, cowboys. And when it comes to golf,

Snowden’s swing does him so well that he has an 18 handicap. After

his June retirement, will compete in a tournament in Scotland. Costa

Mesa has large boots to fill, indeed. We wish them luck and

congratulate Snowden on his achievements.
