
Mayor’s letter offered insight to the...

Mayor’s letter offered insight to the city

Re: The Community Commentary by Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg

(“Bell Curve missed with swing against council,” Jan. 16). Those of

us who don’t always understand political issues within our local

government and just rely on “hearsay” should be grateful for the

mayor’s letter.

The clarification of several issues regarding Dave Ellis and the

previous election, as well as the El Toro debate, is extremely

important and should be required reading for all of Newport Beach. I

personally feel that the “mud-slinging” and all dirty tactics should

be dropped (heaven knows it’s had enough coverage) and all our

residents should get behind our elected officials to make our city

the very best it can be. If you disagree with decisions made, ask

yourself if you appeared at meetings or were just apathetic and

stayed home.

I feel privileged to have lived in this beautiful city for the

past 52 years, and thank those past and present City Council, staff

and all commission for their excellent environment.

It will be most interesting to see if the mayor continues to

address issues as they develop.


Corona del Mar

Newport did not do enough on El Toro

Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg was critical of comments made

by columnist Joseph N. Bell regarding a variety of subjects, but one

point in particular jumped out a me (“Bell Curve missed with swing

against council,” Jan. 16).

Bromberg states the Newport Beach City Council did everything

possible to secure El Toro airport (so that we would not need another

expansion of John Wayne Airport.) I strongly disagree. The Newport

Beach City Council and staff’s efforts were pathetic compared to

those of South County officials.

Unlike our own City Council members, the anti-El Toro city

councils promoted their position and worked hard to be successful by:

1. organizing strong voter registration drives in their cities;

2. sending out newsletters that were filled with material that

opposed El Toro;

3. publicly supporting Measure W;

4. writing letters to the newspapers;

5. spending far, far more than pro-airport people in their effort

to sabotage El Toro;

6. Uniting all South County cities to act as one in an effort to

defeat our side.

Our City Council was big on attending meetings that produced

questionable results, spouting rhetoric when needed and throwing some

money at the problem. However, council member’s lack of passion, poor

personal involvement, lack-luster plans and spineless commitment to

the biggest challenge our city has ever faced was evidenced in the

fact they gave up way before they should have, and we lost a critical

fight that could have been a sure win.

If Bromberg has such myopic vision on the El Toro airport issue,

one wonders how he views everything else.


Newport Beach

OCC Swap Meet is great, debate is not

In response to the article regarding the Orange Coast College Swap

Meet (“Swapping out the swap meets, Jan. 13), I strongly urge that

the swap meet continue at OCC. I think it’s a wonderful place to do

bargain shopping and wish we had more of these types of places to get

such great deals.

As for traffic, I have relatives who live right next to the swap

meet. I often go down on Fairview Street to visit them and frankly, I

have not noticed a change in traffic regardless of what day it is.

It is also sad to see that we’re still so intolerant of our

neighboring communities of different races, religions and nationality

origins. Some of the underlying racial comments that are being made

seem anti-American to me. We should all keep in mind what being an

American is and what the Statue of Liberty and our flag represent.


