
Eugene P. Harrington Born in 1925...

Eugene P. Harrington

Born in 1925 in Anaconda, Mont., Laguna Beach resident Eugene P.

Harrington died Jan. 20. He was 77.

Mr. Harrington moved to Southern California as a teenager and

spent two years in the Army. He built homes in Laguna, where he and

his family would spend the summer.

Mr. Harrington is survived by his sons Paul and Sean.

Funeral services are private.

Dorothy P. Boucher

Born in 1905, longtime Laguna resident Dorothy P. Boucher died

peacefully in December at White Bear Lake, Minn.

Mrs. Boucher was a church organist and drove a Model T Ford at age

12. She was a legal secretary to Wisconsin statesman Robert La

Follette. She entertained on radio shows and met her husband while

touring with professional theater and stock companies.

Mrs. Boucher was a life-long participant in community theater and

church affairs.

She is survived by her husband, Francois X. (Budd) Boucher; three

sons; grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Interment was at Pacific View Memorial Park.
