

Just back from two months in Florida and I see that Chuck Cassity still lives in an alternative universe, blaming media bias for November results (“Mainstream media showed their bias,” Dec. 9).

The op-ed board of the Ft. Myers News-Press has five Republicans and two Democrats.

Rush Limbaugh can be heard on three channels simultaneously. Nobody in southwest Florida missed out on the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Williams Ayers scandals, and the nationalization of the banking system is definitely the work of that socialist Obama, not George W. or King Henry Paulson.

Too bad that leftist rag, the Orange County Register, failed to keep Cassity informed.

Seriously, does anyone still believe the media of either persuasion can resist the sight of blood in the water? Sarah Palin’s new wardrobe came complete with those “kick me” signs we used to slap on our classmates’ backs in junior high school.



Newport Beach

Proposition 8 affirms God’s marriage law

The truth about issues of Proposition 8 are not always clear to all readers. The primary purpose of Proposition 8 was to restore what traditional marriage was designed by God to be, which is what the public also desired by our affirmative vote.

God has designed and sanctified marriage to be a holy union between one man and one woman, Adam and Eve — not Adam and Steve.

Marriage was designed by God for not only union and love, but also for procreation. To consider marriage to be anything otherwise is ludicrous. A ceremony to unite two people of the same sex is nothing more than a mere union; it is not a marriage because it cannot be consummated.

Proposition 8 is not an issue of “equality,” it is an issue of “morality.” I’ll quickly admit I was raised in a Christian household. And I’ll proudly stand up for what is right or wrong because I learned it as I grew up.

Marriage is “right” when it is between one man and one woman, but it is clearly “wrong” when it is a union of two people of the same gender. As a matter of fact, God’s law, the Holy Bible, calls the same sex union an abomination.

How could it be any more clearly stated — look at Leviticus 18 — it’s very clear. Look at your body, it clearly tells you what it was designed for.

Isn’t that just great that society (“no” vote side) now wants to change God’s Laws of morality. The “same sex union” is not sanctified by God, is not a holy union, and it cannot be consummated in procreation. It is in no way on equal standing (equality) with marriage. God help you if you should think otherwise.


