

Siblings Marble and Sunny are dressed for the holidays and ought to be adopted as a pair, according to their caretakers. Community Animal Network suggests equal-energy playmates when adopting to keep them happy and busy playing with each other instead of your drapes when you are away.

Single kittens can become bored and more destructive than a pair of kittens, who have each other to look to for fun. Also, bored animals often have an increased interest in bolting out the door.

Indoor cats live longer and are happier with a playmate. Cats live to be an average of 16 to 19 years old and so a decision to adopt any animal should be made carefully considering the time the family has to give to the care and nurturing of an animal.


Meet Marble and Sunny this weekend along with other cats and kittens noon to 4 p.m. at Fashion Island in front of Russo’s pet experience, or see photos of other available animals at

Community Animal Network’s volunteer orientation for minor children and adults helping at the Fashion Island pet adoptions is from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Saturday. Meet outside Russo’s.

Also, the organization’s dryer for pet clothes broke and could use a donated replacement. If you’d like to give the network money, send checks to Community Animal Network, P.O. Box 8662 Newport Beach, CA, 92658 and memo your check nonprofit tax ID 33-0971560.
