
Accuser takes the stand in Lawrence Taylor trial

Former New York Giants linebacker Lawrence Taylor leaves federal court Tuesday.
(Frank Franklin II / Associated Press)

The teenager who has accused former New York Giants linebacker Lawrence Taylor of sexually assaulting her when she was 16 took the witness stand in the Hall of Famer’s civil trial Tuesday.

Taylor pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of sexual misconduct and patronizing an underage prostitute for having sex with her in 2010 and is serving six years of probation.

The teen told a Manhattan jury that another man forced her to have sex with Taylor for $300. She said she brought the lawsuit to hold Taylor accountable.


The encounter took place in a hotel room, and the accuser said she went to a bathroom to call her uncle, who told her to dial 911. She said she did so and left the phone in her bag, “waiting for shadows to come and banging on the door to come get me.” But the police never showed up.

She said Taylor got on top of her and she squirmed and tried to push him away but it “felt like I wasn’t making a difference because of how big he was compared to me.”

She said she told him it was her “first time” and he replied, “Just relax.”

“It was really rough and painful,” she testified, saying she felt suicidal afterward and began taking medication for depression.


Taylor’s accuser testified that when the sex was over he “just pulled out money and said, ‘Here, can you turn the TV off on your way out?’ ”

When she returned to the car of the man who had ordered her to have sex with Taylor, she said, she called her uncle and told him in Spanish that calling 911 didn’t work. The police were waiting when the car arrived back at the man’s Bronx home. The man later was sentenced to seven years in prison.

Taylor’s lawyer, Arthur Aidala, said in his opening statement that Taylor never used violence, never threatened the girl and thought she was sent by a friend who offered “female companionship.”


“I am not condoning what he did,” Aidala said. “It’s a crime he’s been punished for.”

He said the lawsuit, seeking unspecified compensatory and punitive damages, is “a money grab” because of Taylor’s fame.

Taylor is expected to take the stand Wednesday.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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