
Nurses are the coronavirus heroes. These photos show their life now

The coronavirus is taking a serious toll on the doctors and nurses risking their lives while treating infected patients.

Moving in and out of negative-pressure rooms, putting on protective equipment and taking it off again, nurses are caring for patients who are severely ill and sometimes dying. They spend the greatest amount of time with the patients.

These nurses draw blood, obtain samples, provide oxygen, and devotedly tend to their patients’ needs. When a patient is placed in intensive care, it’s the nurses who do the mundane and the heroic to help the patient recover or die with a little more comfort.

Nurses are the underappreciated heroes of this crisis. Though they are usually the coolest of head in the room, they are now feeling the tremendous pressure of their situation.


Here we take a closer look at some of the brave men and women who are on the front lines battling this virus.


March 17, 2020


