
Teaching Tolerance in the Schools

I read the interesting and timely article “Students Use Video Cameras to Focus on Bias” (June 17), and the editorial “Insensitivity and a Course in Interracial Relations” (June 23).

I commend Bruce Baron and his students at Irvine High School. Baron and I have never met; however, it seems our goals and sensitivity are on the same wavelength.

As librarian at El Toro High School, I introduced a similar project for our campus via our World Cultures as a pro-active measure. The project was funded by the Elementary-Secondary Education Act Title. We were funded for two years ($140,000), and I think it was one of the last grants offered before this was phased completely out of education, in 1981.


All freshmen were a part of this program. Teachers in social studies were able to attend workshops, buy materials. Students were able to have outstanding speakers come into the classrooms for discussions and group encounters and role-playing. Students formed a peer facilitator group and much interaction took place.

Those ninth graders graduated June 24, and I think they have a much better outlook on one’s culture and sensitivities.


Laguna Hills
