
China Presents First ‘Golden Scissors’

United Press International

A 28-year-old garment designer from northern Liaoning Province won China’s first national fashion award for a spring outfit combining Western tailoring and Chinese flair, the New China News Agency reported earlier this week.

Gao Xilin, deputy director of the No. 2 Garment Factory in Anshan City, was voted tops among 67 candidates in the first “Golden Scissors” fashion design contest.

“Gao’s spring set with embroidered golden phoenix and peony accompanied by Western-style cuffs was considered by the panel a harmonious combination of Western tailoring and Chinese flair,” the news agency said.


Less than 10 years ago, Chinese risked heavy ridicule or worse for daring to wear anything even hinting of Western fashion.

Today, Western business suits are de rigueur for men, while Chinese women have taken to skin-tight blue jeans, bias-cut dresses, high-heel boots and bat-wing blouses.
