
LETTERS : Student Should Be Held Responsible

In his lame defense of Canyon High football player Chad Ziegler, who is (accused of) assaulting a Burroughs assistant coach (Letters, Feb. 15), Glenn D. Prichard Jr. has unwittingly put his finger on one of society’s major faults in dealing with young people: We don’t hold them responsible as individuals for their actions.

I’m certain that assistant coach (Robert) Campbell’s jaw feels much better at the revelation that Ziegler acted “instinctively and not maliciously.”

Even more amazingly, Prichard seems to feel that assault is justified when kids “get involved and do what they think is right.” Prichard calls himself an ex-high school coach. If one of his players had felt cheated at lack of playing time and taken a poke at him, would Prichard have excused the act?


As a timer of high school basketball games for almost 20 years, I have noted the practice of football players coming as a group to the games. The best of them do little more than root vociferously for their team. However, too many feel it is their sacred right to scream insults at officials, shout obscenities at opposing players and cheerleaders, and generally make themselves obnoxious to fans who come to enjoy the game.

Not being present, I cannot comment on whether school officials did the best possible job of crowd control. However, to use that issue to justify a criminal act is sheer lunacy.


Canoga Park
