

If Texacala Jones was half as drunk as she acted Saturday at the Music Machine, she was in for one heck of a hangover Sunday morning. The singer’s state pushed Tex & the Horseheads’ homecoming show (following a nationwide tour) out of the realm of entertainment and into that of unpleasant spectacle. Of course, it’s her wild persona that’s helped make this group a top attraction on the L.A. rock scene, and while her between-song ramblings occasionally revealed small pearls of wisdom, too often they amounted to pathetic buffoonery.

This was doubly a shame, as the throaty Tex fronts a very good band--imagine X crossed with Blood on the Saddle with Wendy O. Williams singing lead. Guitarist Mike Martt, bassist J. Gregory Boaz and drummer Robert Williams churn out various shades of punkabilly with effective raw power, and the group’s original songs are plenty good (as the band’s recorded work proves). But all this got lost Saturday behind Jones’ unattractive display.
