
Attitude Toward the Valley

I find it disgraceful that the Los Angeles Times did not cover the Fernando Award dinner honoring Jane Boeckmann for her outstanding contribution to the welfare of the community of the San Fernando Valley, which was held on Nov. 7, 1986. That event was certainly the most excellent civic and social happening in the San Fernando Valley, with more than 1,300 in attendance and with having to turn away over 500 people due to lack of space.

I am amazed at how the Los Angeles Times continues to show such a disdain toward the Valley which it purports to serve. It appears that your Valley staff denigrates the Valley all the time. For example, one of your reporters, Doug Smith, some time ago ended one of his many articles by stating that the best thing about the Valley was leaving it. Another example was the extremely shabby way in which another one of your Valley reporters treated Martha Selleck, the 1985 Mother of the Year.

I continue to be amazed that you staff your Valley office with people who so obviously dislike our area.



