
Lekachman Is Right

Norman Miller (Letters, Jan. 25) complains that The Times “persists in repeatedly calling on Robert Lekachman for economic commentary.” That is a ludicrous charge; Lekachman does not show up in the Times Board of Economists column any more than those who espouse conservative and centrist viewpoints.

Miller also refers to Lekachman as a “left-wing missionary whose main purpose is to discredit any conservative thought, particularly Ronald Reagan’s.” Apparently, those of us who are not in love with Reagan’s Darwinian economic policies and who are concerned about the millions of Americans who have been disenfranchised by them are just supposed to sit back, keep our mouths shut and go along with the program.

If Miller would ever care to come down from his Palm Springs ivory tower and spend some time in the trenches where most of the rest of us live, he would learn that the disaster that Lekachman has predicted “for at least six years” is here for millions of his fellow citizens.



Los Angeles
