
Traveling In Style Out Today

Today The Times presents the spring issue of Traveling In Style magazine, with features by humorist Erma Bombeck, ex-U.N. Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, poet-novelist Patricia Hampl, Will Fowler, Barnaby Conrad, Ruth Reichl, Sam Hall Kaplan, Shirley Slater/Harry Basch and Jerry Hulse.

Readers will join Bombeck on a hilarious bus tour of Europe while Kirkpatrick leads us to the South of France. In other articles, Hampl tells of vacationing in a monastery, Fowler recalls the grand tour of his youth and Conrad joins comedian Jonathan Winters on a fishing adventure in Alaska. Reichl describes some outrageously expensive restaurants; the world’s exciting boulevards are the subject of Kaplan’s story; Slater/Basch join other sybarites on a whirlwind tour featuring barges, balloons and helicopters, and Hulse gives readers a peek inside “Manhattan’s friendliest small hotel.”

Look for your copy of Traveling In Style in today’s Los Angeles Times.
