
Mini-Malls and Growth

Councilmen Zev Yaroslavsky and Joel Wachs are obviously working for the large developers--those that can build shopping centers over 65,000 square feet.

If beautification of the city is what these politicians are looking for, why don’t they set rules so that every project is considered individually based on what is on the particular site now and what the small developer is planning to build? I have seen lots of improvements done throughout the city where old, dilapidated buildings or ugly gas stations were replaced by attractive convenience centers. I emphasize convenience because, we-the-people like to purchase and eat doughnuts and have cleaners that are located in our neighborhoods with easy accessibility.

Although I feel that the reasons behind this ordinance are based on personal political ambitions, I agree that there should be parking and landscape considerations that should be imposed on all new development--large or small. But to restrict the building of any center under 65,000 square feet is absurd.



Woodland Hills
