
Jackson Cites Indira Gandhi, Meir in Encouraging Bid by Schroeder

Associated Press

The Rev. Jesse Jackson gave Rep. Patricia Schroeder, a potential Democratic presidential rival, some encouragement on Friday, citing India under Indira Gandhi and Israel under Golda Meir as proof that women can lead nations.

“We cannot have any misgivings about a woman’s ability to run for office and be President,” said Jackson, who became the first black to campaign for the office when he ran in 1984.

Jackson told the National Women’s Political Caucus that Schroeder, a representative from Colorado and the only woman considering a major party bid in 1988, is qualified to run.


Will Announce Next Month

Both Jackson and Schroeder have said they will announce their intentions next month. Six other Democrats are already in the race.

Former Rep. Shirley Chisholm of New York, who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1972, urged the feminists to continue their struggle against the Reagan Administration in an appearance before the caucus.
