
‘Time to Clarify Goals’

I applaud the title of your Oct. 13 editorial, “Time to Clarify Goals,” and agree with much of its content. It is, indeed, necessary to have clear goals for a foreign policy, especially when the world situation continues to teeter on the brink of war--and even nuclear holocaust. We do need a domestic “ glasnost “ or openness between our Administration and the people of the U.S.

However, I submit that it is even more important that communication from the people to the government take place much more effectively, quickly and convincingly. Policies executed by our government do not, all too often, find their roots in the will of the people expressed, if at all, all too weakly.

“U.S. forces were supposedly sent into the gulf to defend the principles of free navigation . . .” By the people of this country? “. . . as the United States intrudes itself more deeply into a conflict that has no end in sight.” By popular demand? “The Senate . . . has . . . demonstrated that it is torn by indecision.”

And yet we are told that issues that elicit the fewest letters and phone calls to senators and congressmen are those dealing with foreign politics. Still, international relations are what, in the end, will decide whether this beautiful world will or will not survive.


With the advent of the nuclear age, war and the threat of war have become unacceptable and therefore obsolete as viable means to resolve international conflicts. The people in the streets of New York, Los Angeles, Moscow, London and even Tehran must be aware of this.

It is high time--maybe just a few minutes before midnight--to bring our elected representatives up to date and demand that they make their decisions in accordance with this reality. There are other ways to resolve conflict. We use them among individuals, cities, states of the union. Why not among nations?


