
The State : Canal Breaks; Park Flooded

A canal rupture sent millions of gallons of water into a nearby trailer park, forcing evacuation of dozens of residents and damaging the park’s water and sewer system, Imperial County authorities said. Water spilled into McCoy’s Trailer Park when three breaks occurred on the west bank of the Yuma Main Canal near the small desert town of Winterhaven. The rupture was caused by a combination of gopher holes and an increased water level, said Don Pope, manager of Yuma County Water Users Assn. Flooding forced evacuation of residents from about 40 spaces at the park, sheriff’s deputies said. A nearby church was set up as a relief center. There was no immediate estimate of damage. The floodwater, officials said, contaminated park water wells and damaged septic tanks. “The main problem is getting the canal back in operation so that we can get water into Yuma (Ariz.) through it,” Pope said.
