
AIDS and Gay Bathhouses

I read with interest the article on the gay bathhouses fight to remain open. While I certainly can understand the economic reasons owners are fighting to keep the baths open, I do wonder at the reasons gays continue to frequent them considering the chance they are taking with their own lives.

The theme of the article appeared to be that bathhouses provide a spot for homosexuals to gather and participate or view sexual activity. What I don’t understand, nor have I ever seen addressed, is why it is legal for homosexuals to participate in sexual activities at a public bathhouse and it is illegal for heterosexuals to engage in sexual practices in similar surroundings, i.e., massage parlors?

My last comment is to O’Brien who said bathhouses are preferable to other meeting places (alleys, parks and drive-ins) for gays since they promote safe sex. What on earth is wrong with homosexuals meeting their friends in places like restaurants, theaters, bars, etc. and then using their private homes and apartments for “safe sex” just like the rest of us?



Seal Beach
