
Lampley Is Close to Deal With HBO

KCBS sportscaster Jim Lampley and HBO are close to a deal in which Lampley would do boxing and Wimbledon tennis for the pay-cable service, a New York source said Tuesday night.

Lampley would replace Barry Tompkins.

Lampley, the source said, has a clause in his contract that would allow him to work for both CBS and HBO.

Lampley last week gave up the two-hour talk show he does for New York radio station WFAN on the phone from Los Angeles.


About the HBO possibility, Lampley said: “I’m sorry. I can’t say a thing.”

About giving up the WFAN job, he said: “Now I’m free to do more reporting for KCBS. I knew I’d eventually have to give up the WFAN show, and since it was going to be preempted by Mets’ exhibition baseball anyway, this seemed as good a time as any.”
