
L. B. Community Hospital Offers Emergency Alert System for Home

Community Hospital, in conjunction with Emergency Response Systems Inc., is offering an emergency alert system to ensure quick and efficient responses to medical emergencies occurring in the home. The system is designed for individuals with specific medical needs requiring prompt attention and for those who live alone.

The core of the system, which is a small communications box with buttons for police, fire or medical emergencies, can be activated anywhere in the home by using a hand-held transmitter or a necklace-type pendant.

Once activated, a signal is sent through telephone lines to a 24-hour central monitoring station. Within seconds, the victim is in direct contact with an operator at the central station. Based on the nature of the problem, the operator will immediately dispatch help to the home and notify relatives and friends. Medical information also will be relayed to paramedics and emergency room personnel in order to provide the best possible treatment.


Further information about the device may be obtained by calling Maureen Gafney at 494-0590.
