
Pools, Spas Are Seasonal Deathtraps for Children

About 100,000 deathtraps await youngsters in Orange County. They are back-yard swimming pools and spas. As Memorial Day approaches, concern grows among safety officials that the child drowning rate will begin to soar.

Drowning is the leading cause of death among Orange County children under the age of 5, with most of the deaths occurring in back-yard pools and spas. A near-tragedy in Orange earlier this month was a grim reminder of how dangerous a situation exists when children and pools and spas are not carefully separated or supervised.

Tragedy was averted when a mother found her 21-month-old daughter and an 18-month-old infant whom she baby-sits unconscious in the back-yard spa only because the woman, a registered nurse, knew cardiopulmonary resuscitation. She was able to revive both toddlers, who somehow got through a sliding door and fell into the water.


Unfortunately, children straying into a pool is not a rarity. There are about 1,000 pool-related incidents involving children in the county each year. A national study concludes that in 46% of drownings or near-drownings involving children under 5 years of age, the youngsters were last seen inside the house. Most lives are saved, but not all of them. And some children survive, but often with brain damage that leaves them mentally retarded for life, perhaps tied to a life-support equipment.

The Orange County Health Care Agency and the National Drowning Prevention Network have issued a warning about the increased dangers of child drownings as pools are filled and used more in the warmer months. They urge people to learn CPR (classes are provided by the American Red Cross and American Heart Assn.) and to keep their pools and spas covered and surrounded by a secure fence that provides a clear view of the pool from the house.

That’s good advice that should be followed. Even more important is to never forget the deadly combination created by children and back-yard pools, and never let a child out of your sight if a pool or spa is anywhere close by.
